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Our range includes both OEM and OES parts. Use our online application Wiuse to find them effortlessly.

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Up to 15 million
car parts

At APF Autoparts, we’ve got an impressive range of original car parts: Up to 15 million, to be precise! We draw a distinction between OEM and OES parts. OEM are genuine parts from an Original Equipment Manufacturer – we’ve got 57 brands of these. OES stands for Original Equipment Supplier (aftermarket), and we offer 78 brands carrying this label. The result is a total of more than 120 brands under one roof with 15 million part numbers.

Original OES parts from
78 brands

Find your unique car part
via Wiuse

Wiuse is an innovative online app that helps APF Autoparts stand out in the industry. The application contains a user-friendly search function based on the unique chassis number, provides current price information and suggests alternative references. The app also facilitates contact between our customers and our company.

The most important thing is user-friendliness. Our customers are always our first concern, and the application helps them easily find the parts they need.

Our technical support team has comprehensive knowledge of the car parts sector, which means we can immediately guarantee the right part in almost 100% of cases.

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